CDI and five lawyers ranked in the 2025 Doyles Guide

CDI has once again been ranked by Doyles Guide in one of the highest tiers of construction and infrastructure litigation firms in Queensland. CDI is the only boutique and specialist firm in the upper echelon of the rankings, which is otherwise dominated by top tier and international firms.

CDI has also been ranked as a recommended front end construction and infrastructure law firm by Doyles Guide.

In addition to the firm rankings, five individuals from CDI have been recognised in the rankings:

  • Stephen Pyman – preeminent disputes lawyer and recommended front-end lawyer (being one of only 2 lawyers in Queensland to be named on both lists);
  • Christopher Rowden – recommended construction disputes lawyer;
  • Jason Pungsornruk – recommended construction disputes lawyer;
  • Jay Hatten – recommended WH&S construction lawyer; and
  • Kristen Kipps – rising star in construction and infrastructure.

This is the third consecutive year that lawyers from CDI have been recognised on the list of rising stars, reflecting the depth of talent and future leaders embedded in the firm.

We are grateful to the clients and peers who have provided the feedback that has resulted in the rankings.


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